by Emmaus Homes | May 23, 2021 | Spiritual Care, What We Do
Pentecost is often celebrated as the birthday of the Church. It is the day that we remember when the Holy Spirit first descended upon and moved among the disciples, calling them to continue the work of Jesus Christ in the world. Often it is celebrated by those...
by Emmaus Homes | Apr 2, 2021 | Spiritual Care, What We Do, Who We Are
According to the New Testament, the Road to Emmaus appearance is one of the early resurrection appearances of Jesus after his crucifixion and the discovery of the empty tomb. This story is actually where we got our name; Emmaus Homes. Emmaus Homes is a faith-based...
by Emmaus Homes | Mar 27, 2021 | Spiritual Care, What We Do
Written by Rev. Cindy Bumb, Vice President of Spiritual Care Holy Week is the last week of the Christian season of Lent. During Holy Week, we remember how Jesus ate a final meal with his disciples, and then was betrayed, arrested, and crucified. The first day of Holy...
by Emmaus Homes | Jan 28, 2021 | Client Success, Spiritual Care, What We Do
Written by Pastor Andrea (Emmaus Spiritual Care – Chaplain) Spiritual Care is growing at Emmaus! When covid-19 entered our lives last March we were not able to continue to do things the way we were doing them before yet it was affirmed how crucial our Spiritual...
by Emmaus Homes | Jul 7, 2020 | Spiritual Care, What We Do
Written by Rev. Cindy Bumb, Vice President of Spiritual Care When Emmaus made the decision on March 13 to quarantine our clients in their homes due to coronavirus, the decision was also made to suspend all in-person group activities. This included suspension of the...
by Emmaus Homes | Mar 18, 2020 | Spiritual Care, Team Members
Written by Pastor Andrea Asselmeier We are now in the midst of the season of Lent, the time of preparing our hearts for Holy Week and ultimately Easter. At Emmaus, in our Bible studies and our Worship services (which now has turned into digital services and meditation...