Clients Growing in Faith | Emmaus Homes

Written by Pastor Andrea (Emmaus Spiritual Care – Chaplain)

Spiritual Care is growing at Emmaus! When covid-19 entered our lives last March we were not able to continue to do things the way we were doing them before yet it was affirmed how crucial our Spiritual Care work is for the overall well-being of the Emmaus Community.

We learned and we grew! We quickly learned ways that we can provide spiritual care to folks virtually with Worship Services online and Zoom Bible Studies. Our clients continued to be able to see each other, talk to each other, learn together, sing together, and pray together. In fact, in this growth, we even learned that there were some folks who, for a variety of reasons, did not participate in our services before the pandemic that are able to and LOVE to participate in them from their own homes. Like Ron, who is able not only to watch and participate in our worship services, but can watch them multiple times throughout the week, sing along with the songs, and feel a deeper connection to his spirituality.

Maya Angelou once said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” That is what we are doing! Learning that even when we are able to gather again in person, we will grow our Spiritual Care services to include ways to virtually engage with them so that we may better meet the needs of all people.

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