During most worship services for our two Emmaus congregations, an offering is taken. Many clients bring a money offering, believing that it’s part of their Christian discipleship to give something back to God and to the work of the church. Unlike most churches, however, these offerings aren’t needed to pay for the ongoing costs of our congregations, such as rent, utilities, supplies, and chaplain salaries; these costs are paid out of the Emmaus general operating budget.
Therefore, our Emmaus congregations use their offering funds to help others!
Emmaus congregations get to assist others in times of emergency and hardship. On June 1, 2019, the levee at Levasy, Missouri broke, and water from the Missouri River flooded Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Both the church building and the parsonage suffered much damage; the Pastor had to move into a home in another town, and the congregation is temporarily worshiping in the Annex of another local church, also in another town. The Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ put out a plea for funds to assist Ebenezer UCC, and both Emmaus congregations responded with generous gifts.
Then in September of 2019, when Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahama Islands, a client asked for prayers for them during a Bible study. Pastor Cindy asked the Bible study group if there was something else that they wanted to do for the Bahamas. They decided to ask their Emmaus congregation at Good Shepherd UCC to give a significant gift for emergency assistance to the Bahamas, and the congregation agreed to use its offering money in this important way.
Special client needs can also be accommodated through offering money. For example, if someone supported by Emmaus were to pass away without sufficient funds in their personal budgets to cover all funeral and burial or cremation costs, funds from our Emmaus congregation offerings could help cover these important end-of-life costs.
Emmaus exists due to the generosity of countless donors like yourself. Even when they don’t have a lot to spare, Emmaus clients pay this forward with their own generosity in helping others, as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and for the glory of God!