Emmaus Homes Emmaus | Planned Giving | Donate | Ways to Give

Planned Giving

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Gift and estate planning is an extraordinarily flexible and simple way to meet your philanthropic and financial goals. Whatever your stage in life, your financial circumstances and your charitable goals are, let us show you how you can make a gift that benefits you and your loved ones as well as Emmaus Homes.

Take a look at the gift types below—outright, through your estate, income-producing or other type—and explore the features and tax benefits that appeal most to you and best fit your individual needs.

Outright Gifts
Cash – Simple to make. Maximize your charitable deduction and provide funds for Emmaus Homes.

Corporate Matching Gifts – Gifts received from organizations or corporations to match gifts of cash or securities by individuals will be credited to the donor’s gift record.

Gifts of Insurance – A gift of a new or existing life insurance policy may be made by naming Emmaus Homes as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary of the policy. If the policy is paid up, the gift is valued using the cash value of the policy on the date ownership is transferred to Emmaus Homes.

Tangible Personal Property – Gifts of tangible personal property require an independent, qualified appraisal if the claimed value is $5,000 or more.

Publicly Traded Securities – Listed securities or securities actively traded “over-the-counter” are acceptable as outright gifts and/or pledge payments. They are valued using the mean price (average of high and low for the day) per share on the date ownership is transferred to the Emmaus Homes.

Closely Held Securities – Gifts of securities which are not publicly traded must be accompanied by an independent, qualified appraisal in order to be credited as a gift.

Real Estate – Gifts of real estate may take the form of an outright present gift of the donor’s entire or fractional interest in the property or may be subject to a reserved life estate for the donor or other designated beneficiary.

Limited Partnership Interests – Gifts of limited partnership interests must be accompanied by an independent, qualified appraisal in order to be counted as a gift.

Gifts That Produce Income
Charitable Gift Annuity – Support Emmaus while providing fixed income for life—for yourself or up to two beneficiaries. May also provide significant tax benefits.

Deferred Gift Annuity – Provide funds for conservation while meeting future financial needs. Defer your annuity payments and receive higher income payments—for yourself or up to two beneficiaries. May also provide significant tax savings.

Charitable Lead Trust– A charitable lead trust provides for payment of trust income to Emmaus Homes typically for a fixed period of years with the trust assets ultimately being returned to the donor or other beneficiary.

Charitable Remainder Trusts– Emmaus Homes will accept a charitable remainder trust under which a life income is provided to a donor or other beneficiaries and all or a fraction of the remainder of the trust fund ultimately passes to Emmaus Homes.

For more information regarding planned gifts to Emmaus, contact the Development Office at 636.534.5251 or keylisa@emmaushomes.org.

Suggested Language
For your convenience, below is the suggested language for the simplest form of planned gift, a general bequest.

I give and bequeath to Emmaus Homes, Inc, a Missouri not-for-profit corporation, ________* to be used for the purposes of the organization.

*Fill in blank with dollar amount, percentage of asset or estate, or specific property you intend to give to Emmaus Homes

For More Information Regarding Planned Giving

Reach out to Lisa Key at 636.534.5251 or keylisa@emmaushomes.org

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E Advocates #19: Communication & Advocacy Go Hand-in-Hand

E Advocates #19: Communication & Advocacy Go Hand-in-Hand

The ability to communicate is a fundamental human right, yet nonspeaking individuals with disabilities often face significant barriers. These barriers stem from societal assumptions and lack of access to communication technology. At Emmaus, we aim to empower all individuals, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), to advocate for themselves.

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