Michelle Peters | Emmaus Homes

When Did You Start At Emmaus?
I joined Emmaus in September 2013

What Originally Made You Want to Work For Emmaus?
When I was working for the Department of Mental Health, overseeing Case Management services, I worked closely with Emmaus and many other service providers.  I always thought Emmaus was by far the best and when an opportunity arose to join the Emmaus family I took it.  

What Has Been Your Most Memorable Moment at Emmaus?
There have been so many memorable moments and inspirational stories involving the clients over the past 6 years it’s hard to pick just one.   I would say one of the greatest memories here at Emmaus for me was the day we celebrated the transition from the MV campus.  We stood as a group on the bridge to the campus while Cindy Clark shared some influential words about our history and how our staff are “living bridges’ for the clients we support.   I have never been so proud of the Client Services Team and how they have successfully “bridged” the clients to new community opportunities through this transition. 

What’s One Thing You’re Looking Forward to for the Future of Emmaus?
I’m looking forward to continuing to provide quality services for the many different men and women of Emmaus. I get to hear the success stories of what one positive relationship can produce in our community. With our new structure and career path, we are ready to successfully grow our family of Direct Support Professionals. We have opportunities for people to share their passion with some of the most passionate people on the planet. I can’t wait to see how much of an impact everyone will have for people with developmental disabilities in the future.

Are You Involved in Anything Outside of Emmaus?
I serve as a board member for F.A.C.T. (Family Advocacy and Community Training) and the Treasurer for the St. Charles County Coalition of Service Providers.

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