Ken Lannen - Emmaus Homes

When Did You Start At Emmaus?
I started at Emmaus in September 2014

What Originally Made You Want to Work For Emmaus?
Emmaus Homes does a wonderful job accomplishing its mission and making a positive impact on society. When I was offered the opportunity to help contribute to this exciting, forward-thinking, and compassionate organization, I couldn’t refuse. 

What Has Been Your Most Memorable Moment at Emmaus?
There have been a lot of memorable moments at Emmaus.  I have been blessed to be supported by an Executive team that has committed resources to improving technology. I’ve seen our clients use smart home technology to do things they weren’t previously able to do, and I’ve seen staff light up when they complete a task using a technology that they once feared.

What’s One Thing You’re Looking Forward to for the Future of Emmaus?
I am looking forward to many things in the near future. Senior management is setting the stage for this organization to continue to make significant gains with greater productivity and improved service to clients.  And the IT department is in an excellent position to assist Emmaus with harnessing the power of information technology.

Are You Involved in Anything Outside of Emmaus?
I enjoy traveling, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.