The 2020 Census: Everyone Counts! | Emmaus Homes

Throughout our history at Emmaus, we have remained true to our values. At the heart of our mission, we believe every person has gifts to offer, dreams to follow, and love to share. In other words, everyone counts!

This is an important idea to remember in a census year like 2020. We all benefit from an accurate census count. Billions of dollars that we pay in federal taxes are distributed back to states each year based on census data. These dollars support Medicaid, housing, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), education, and more. Census data determines how much money Missouri needs and how many representatives Missouri gets in the US Congress.

This year you’ll be able to respond to the census online from a computer, tablet, or smartphone, as well as by mail or phone. In March, the public can begin responding to the 2020 Census at In the meantime, be on the lookout for official mailings from the US Census Bureau with instructions to make sure you and your family are counted.

Historically, inaccessible and unfair census procedures have created barriers for people with disabilities and other marginalized groups to be counted. While the census process has made changes to include communities that have been under-represented in the past, we may need to support each other to make sure all of our families, friends, and neighbors are counted in 2020!

It is very important that everyone in the Emmaus community – including staff – participate in the US Census! Everyone counts!

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