When Did You Start At Emmaus?
I joined the Emmaus in April of 2014

What Originally Made You Want to Work For Emmaus?
I have worked in this field for the majority of my career, providing direct support, case management and service coordination. While I loved service coordination, I was excited about the opportunity to be more directly involved in the lives of individuals with disabilities and being an agent for change. I wanted to be able to directly make change, versus sharing recommendations and observations. Emmaus was a provider I had worked with, the organization that stood apart for me- and had a mission I believe in.

What Has Been Your Most Memorable Moment at Emmaus?
There are several memorable moments since being at Emmaus; 2 of them surround watching clients we have supported increase their independence to the point of living on their own!   I am lucky enough to still have relationships with them and get to check in and hear all about their lives now!     I’ve also really enjoyed watching the culture of recognition grow-  we have had 4 DSPs who won DSP of year awards at a national level.  It has been great to tell the stories of our DSPs and advocate for the recognition and support they deserve.

What’s One Thing You’re Looking Forward to for the Future of Emmaus?
Emmaus is a progressive organization – and it’s hard to imagine what’s in store!   I look forward to seeing how we continue to be a leader in our field, and collaborate with other providers.   Working together, we can do some great things with technology.  I am excited to be a part of it and see our clients living their best lives.

Are You Involved in Anything Outside of Emmaus?
I stay very busy with my family as a sports and band mom and have developed a love for action photography- I have found these things blend well!  Between family, work, and my local church- my heart and schedule are full!