2017 Direct Support Professional Award Winner - Emmaus Homes

2017 Direct Support Professional Award Winner – Jennifer Smith

The St. Charles Coalition of Service Providers selected Jennifer Smith as a 2017 Direct Support Professional Award winner. Recipients of these awards are people who provide direct support to individuals with developmental disabilities and provide opportunities for the people they serve to become active, valued members of the St. Charles County community. This award is designed to recognize those individuals who demonstrate consistent dedication and who are frequently going above and beyond their typical day to day responsibilities.

Jennifer practices advocacy by encouraging activities to affect positive change on behalf of individuals with disabilities. One of Jennifer’s clients has a medical diagnosis of autism, and at times, she expresses herself through challenging behaviors. While others were nervous about assisting the client, Jennifer was patient and took the time to get to know and learn how to communicate with her. Over the past year, the client’s challenging behaviors have become less which allows others to people see her as the beautiful person that she is.

Jennifer uses original ideas to provide individualized supports and services while respecting individual preference and encouraging self-determination and choice. The clients that Jennifer supports enjoy spending time with her because she engages with them in the activities that they love, such as going on picnics in the park. Mandy, one of the clients that Jennifer supports, loves music, so Jennifer regularly sings and dances with her. Mandy loves to hear Jennifer say “Get it, Mandy! You can do it to the music.”

Jennifer also uses creative and fun ways to help her clients achieve their goals. For example, daily exercise was consistently frowned upon until Jennifer introduced them to Richard Simmons workout videos. By sweating to the oldies, the clients have increased movement and are reaching their goal weights.

Jennifer provides exceptional delivery of direct support and respects dignity, independence, culture, and rights of individuals with disabilities while developing effective relationships. Staffing the home that Jennifer works in had been a challenge due to issues such as behavioral concerns. Since Jennifer began working there, things have drastically changed.

Jennifer’s reassurance has helped to improve her clients’ self-esteem. They now take pride in their hygiene and personal appearance, and they smile after getting dressed. One client was border-line diabetic and needed to lose weight. Jennifer, dedicated to helping her client meet her weight loss goal, frequently went mall walking or exercised with the client at the park. She and her coworkers also helped the client to follow her diet at every meal.

Jennifer’s guidance has helped to create a happy and hospitable home environment that has reduced staffing challenges and has improved the clients’ lives.

Jennifer is dedicated to best practices and seeks out opportunities to learn new skills and community inclusion. Jennifer is a great asset to Emmaus. When Jennifer became a Lead DSP, she made it a priority to schedule and take her clients to their medical appointments, work with them on caring for their home, and plan activities in the community. Because of this, the Regional Nurse has made positive comments about how well the ladies look when they visit and how organized their books are. She also noticed how often the ladies are getting out in the community.

For the second year in a row, Jennifer has taken an out of town trip with a client. This year she and her client went to Memphis to see Graceland, walk on Beale Street, and visit the Rock & Soul Museum. Though the client struggled with some behaviors, Jennifer used her training and practiced patience to ensure that her client had a great time.

Jennifer serves as role model for other team members. Jennifer works well to ensure that the shifts run smoothly and that the ladies’ needs are being met throughout the day. She also makes sure to inform new coworkers of what needs to be done during each shift.

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